Our Success Story
success story

Our Success Story

10 years were really Golden from where we started. But in the Last 5 Years, We have grown up to every single step by grooming our young talents with personal care and attention because of every single student is important for us!


In Patna, Batch Plus classes became the top NIFT coaching institute, inspiring countless aspiring designers. Established in 2012, they nurtured students with expert mentors, excelling in NIFT and NID entrance exams. The remarkable class of 2014, with 30 out of 30 students securing top ranks, cemented Batch Plus' reputation. Their story spread, attracting aspiring designers seeking excellence. Over the years, Batch Plus maintained its legacy, guiding students towards success in the creative realm. With unrivaled expertise, personalized coaching, and dedication, Batch Plus became synonymous with triumph. Today, it stands tall as an epitome of NIFT and NID coaching, fostering talent and realizing dreams. A beacon of hope, Batch Plus continues to inspire and lead students to unparalleled achievements in the world of design. 01

2014 result 02

Selected in NIFT


Selected in NIFT

2015 result01

Between 2015 and 2017, Batch Plus carved its name in the annals of time as the premier institute for design and preparation for design entrance exams. The industry took notice of our remarkable achievements, and leading newspapers recognized our commitment to excellence in education.

Like a harmonious symphony of success, our presence reverberated through various media platforms, showcasing our dedication to nurturing talented individuals and preparing them for the competitive design landscape. Each rank we achieved, whether it be 32, 39, 21, 98, 97, 44, or 36, became a testament to our unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of excellence in design education.

However, our story did not culminate there. In 2017, we ambitiously expanded our horizons, establishing a presence in the vibrant city of Mumbai. With our arrival, we shone as a beacon of knowledge, inspiring and guiding aspiring minds to unlock their full potential and embrace limitless possibilities in the world of design.

At the core of our approach was the principle of simplicity. We broke down barriers, making education accessible to all, irrespective of background or circumstances. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skill, we aimed to uplift their lives and empower them to achieve their dreams.

As the legend of Batch Plus continues to unfold, our pages are filled with inspiring stories of resilience, dedication, and unwavering passion. We remain steadfast in our mission of nurturing dreams and shaping destinies, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of educational excellence.

2015 2017

In the year 2018, Batch Plus emerged as the epitome of success in the fashion and design industry. Our talented students rose to remarkable heights, surpassing expectations and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. With sheer determination and unwavering commitment, they conquered entrance exams, securing their positions among the industry's finest.

Renowned companies, known for their excellence in design, eagerly embraced our prodigies, recognizing their immense potential as future top designers. The ranks of 38 and 72 became symbolic of their hard work and unwavering dedication to excel.

Pragya - Aditya Birla Bangalore ( merchandiser)
Rashmi - shahi expert , delhi ( designer )
Lovely - elite home decor ( textile designer )
Mayank - JJ expo ( asst. Designer)
Kamla - aza Mumbai ( designer ) 01

Toppers under 100 Selected in NIFT

2018 result02


18+ Toppers under 100

top rankers01

In the year 2019, a resounding symphony of success resonated through the corridors of Batch Plus as we witnessed an extraordinary feat. Under our tutelage, a remarkable cadre of talent emerged, transcending barriers and leaving an indelible mark on the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) entrance exams. Like shining stars in the night sky, 18 brilliant minds from Batch Plus classes soared through the ranks, all within the coveted top 100. 02


Batch Plus Classes celebrated notable achievements in 2020, despite the shift to online learning due to the pandemic. Our success rate for design entrance exams like NIFT, NID, and UCEED increased by 20% compared to the previous year. This growth is attributed to our enriched learning materials, personalized tutoring, enhanced student engagement strategies, and focus on industry-relevant skills. We also introduced guest lectures from successful designers and alumni, adding an extra layer of preparation. Consistent mock tests and performance reviews further strengthened our students' skills, resulting in a successful year despite the challenging circumstances.01

Achieve high selecetion rates in nift nid uceed

Over 1000 students selected for nift

10 toppers under 100 in nift

500+ selection in nid

Crack uceed with top ranks


Achievements: 3000+ NIFT Selections Revealed

1500+ NID Selections and Path to Design Excellence

1000+ Selection in UCEED

Over the course of the next three years, from 2021 to 2023, Batch Plus embarked on a journey that exemplified the essence of struggle and success. Determined to spread our wings and reach aspiring minds across the nation, we opened new centers year after year, each one symbolizing a triumph over adversity.

In 2021, we ventured into the vibrant city of Hisar, establishing a center that would serve as a beacon of knowledge and empowerment for the young minds yearning to fulfill their dreams. The path to success was never easy, but our unwavering commitment propelled us forward, overcoming obstacles and carving a niche for ourselves in this new landscape.

Building upon the foundations laid in Hisar, 2022 witnessed our expansion into the bustling metropolis of Delhi. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of the capital, we brought our unique approach to education, inspiring countless students to strive for excellence and embrace their true potential.

The year 2023 marked yet another milestone as we set foot in the enchanting city of Kolkata. With each new center, our reach extended further, touching the lives of passionate individuals across the country. The struggle persisted, but so did our unwavering belief in the transformative power of education. 02

2021 2023
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